Prose by Tonya Foster
Advancing Feminist Poetics & Activism
> ADFEMPO Repo 1
> Continued...
> New Moon
> Ramadan Rosh Hashana New Moon 1
> Torching Authenticities
> In Tongues
> Preamble
Prose by Tonya Foster
> Swarms of Bees in High Court 1/24
> from A Mathematics of Chaos 9/24
PoemTalk Podcast #130, Discussing Gwendolyn Brooks's "Riot", feat. Amber Rose Johnson, Davy Knittle, and Tonya Foster
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Close Listening: Performance of Freedom: Tonya Foster, June 18, 2013
Reading from Swarms of Bees in High Court (24:50): MP3
Conversation with Charles Bernstein (45:20): MP3